Tuesday 28 August 2012

How to climb Mount Everest

Lots of physical theatre, a few laughs, but I felt the material was very thin, even for an hour long show. The two actors worked hard to engage the audience, but all the toilet humour about getting locked in a lavatory and swimming through the sewers (eurgh!!) at the very beginning of the piece set things off on a very dodgy note for me, from which I never quite recovered.  Every so often they stopped to review what they had done and marvelled at how much they had packed in to each “half” of the play.  I am afraid I could not concur.
The physical theatre was of the sort that you would do in a very basic physical theatre workshop with eleven year olds, the plotline was flimsy and the characters were not believable.  A single chap gets the sack from his office for breaking the photocopier and having seen an ad for a chap who teaches people how to climb mountains, goes and spends two years’ training to do that very thing, financed by his credit card.  He falls at the last hurdle but his mentor (who has never really climbed a mountain anyway) succeeds in getting to the top of Everest.  Chap returns back to office and asks out the girl of his dreams.
Perhaps I missed the point, but I have a sneaking suspicion there wasn’t much of one.  The meaning of life seemed to be reduced to a spoon.  Probably not for rural touring.
Review by Gill Vickers

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