Monday 13 August 2012

Edinburgh Village Hall 2012: Ellen Thorpe

Name of company
Rob Drummond               
Name of show
Bullet Catch
The Traverse

This show, play, whatever it was, was superb from start to finish.  It was tense and dramatic.  Rob Drummond’s performance was just nervous and cautious enough to create an edgy feel.  He was spell binding and had the audience captivated.   Bullet Catch was played as though it were a magic show, feats of astounding ‘mind reading’ were presented leaving the audience gasping at their accuracy.  The pace was slow and deliberate, calculated to heighten the drama as we were led to the final illusion, the ‘bullet catch.’  Underlying all this was a whole physiological strand raising ‘new’ ideas of the time, contemporary thought about the works of Freud and  Nietzsche and Nihilism (it was set in early 1900’s).  The production like all good magic shows used audience participation and Rob Drummond did this in a clever elaborate way.  Obviously every show would be slightly different according to the input and reaction of the volunteer at any given performance.  A great piece of work. 

Why is the work suitable or not suitable / ready for rural touring ?
Yes, it is suitable.
Why would you book them ?  or  Why wouldn’t you book them ?
To present high quality work
Why would it be worth pursuing this company to consider work in the future? Or not  ?

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