Friday, 19 August 2011

more shows PG

Chicken Shed  Tales from the shed-  heard god things but dissapointed-  very standard kids fair- songs and smiliny people - with quite a few of the cast doing very little- expect better from this company

The Girl With The Iron Claws-   well worth seeing think this would work well for rural touring - very inventive fairy tale  for slightly older kids and adults- great use of set, puppets etc- chase this cvompany up

Luke Wainwrights Cynical Balads-  one man plus projections   -  balads, poetry eyc-  very good, thought provoking funny, political-  great response from audience-  go and see again good for halls i think

The Advetures of Alvin Sputnick- puppetry  and animation, great tale funny heartwarming- go and see- from Australia but coming back and simple set up would work well for rural halls - do go and see this- full house loved it

The World Belongs To Everyone Apart from Us- Stuart Bowden-  didn't do it for me-  you have to fall asleep in one show a day

Circolumbia-  large scale show in Assembly,  street hip hop, circus acrobatics- fairly dark- but very good sprcacle-  def worth seeing for something different

The Caroline carter Show- slightly failed Country singer  Caroline Carter   singing songs about A man from Hounslow or Your Dad Leaving-   good comic banter and play of the audience-    be interested what anyone else thinks.

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