Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Translunar Paradise. Theatre Ad Infinitum.

Pleasance Dome
Sun 21 Aug
Genre. Physical Theatre
Very excited as I thought Odyssey which I saw last year was stunning.  And  this was a beautifully choreographed piece about love and coming to terms with loss.  2 characters move between their older selves, wearing masks and re-live memories of when they were younger by removing the masks.  A musician/singer is an equal partner to the piece adding to the poignancy and at times almost directing the action. 
After his wife passes away the man escapes into his memories of their life together.  Returning from beyond the grave, his wife returns to carry out one last act of love, to help him let her go.  (more hankies required)
I feel a bit guilty saying it, as it was very lovely, but it felt a bit too long.  I found it getting a little repetitive towards the end.
The company are familiar with rural touring and I’m sure this could tour and would be very successful.
Length 1hr 15mins

Bane 1,2 & 3.  Joe Bone
Pleasance Dome
Sun 21 Aug
Genre: Comedy
I absolutely loved this show. Joe Bone is a fantastic storyteller and physical comedian who had the audience hooked from the minute he got on stage with his one man film noir parody, featuring Bruce Bane, hired hit man on the run from a variety of gangsters. The show is fast paced, very funny with one man taking on a whole cast of characters plus sound effects.  The story is quite complicated but easy to follow in the hands of such a skilled performer.  There was a collective intake of breath from the audience at the end, when the show delivers a shocking twist.
Added atmosphere is provided by a guitarist on stage throughout the performance.
I think I saw Bane 3, so if this were to tour, you could book Bane 1 and/or  2 as well which would make a full evening. They stand alone, but are linked through recurring characters.
This would make a fantastic rural touring piece,
Length 1 hr

Ten.  Hetain Patel
Zoo Roxy
Sun 21 Aug
Genre.  Spoken word/theatre
A really interesting piece, not what I was expecting at all.  Three men from different cultural backgrounds, India, Barbados and Scotland look at what cultural identity means, using as their starting point music and the Indian 10 beat rhythm cycle.  Hetain Patel talks about the questions he had growing up in Bolton, Lancashire and brings in the other two performers who are drummers as the piece develops.  They also use the red pigment used for the red dot on the Hindu forehead as part of the performance.
The piece is a mixture of spoken word, music and dance. Hetain’s performance is both thoughtful and witty.
Is it suitable for rural touring? – not as a stand alone.  I think it would  have to be part of a wider project
Length 55 mins

Barbara - Highlights

1 comment:

  1. From Spot On Sue

    I saw all three of these, and concur. I adored theatre Ad Infinitum's solo show, Odsyssey, which received a standing ovation on our rural tour. I would tour them again and this show was stunning. Bane was great too!! Want all three Bane shows to make sense, and good use of time. Some strong swearing, but consistent with a detective thriller.

    Hetain Patel's show engaged me.Being brought up in Scotland, living in Lancashire and having a father born in India, I connected with the themes completely. Does need to tour with something else.
