Monday, 22 August 2011


Name of company Caroline Simon of Resistdance
Name of show Stuck (or Piece if translated from the German)
Genre dance with words
Venue The Dance Centre
Date 19 August
This 40 minute long dance piece with words was a strong and powerful piece of performance.  It had one single performer who narrated and described a piece of dance work, which was done with no musical soundtrack, no scenery and no lighting changes.  However, she described the soundtrack, the scenery and the lighting effects with words, whilst demonstrating the dance piece and describing her dance partner and what he was doing.  This is a piece which is difficult to define and categorise but it was interesting and very different.  The act of describing and the performer setting herself apart to demonstrate the role rather than being in it, reminded me of the Brechtian Verfremdungseffekt and as this performer was German, one wonders whether the Brechtian influence was present with her as she created this piece.  She had immense presence and audience rapport.  Great tongue in cheek humour, too.  A memorable piece of work.
Suitable/ready for rural touring possibly as part of a larger, mixed programme of dance
Would you book them possibly, subject to the above comment
Would it be worth pursuing this company to consider work in the future possibly

Any other comments This would certainly be a piece which would be interesting to young audiences studying dance and drama, but the breadth of its appeal on a rural touring circuit is questionable.

GV Livelincs

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