Tuesday 4 September 2012

Sue Williamson: Notes from Festival Fringe 2012

Village Hall Promoter, ArtERY live, East Riding of Yorkshire

This was my first visit to the Edinburgh Festival and was an immensely exciting and enjoyable experience. The opportunity to see and compare so many different productions over a short period of time was extraordinary. What a joy to be with so many people all sharing a passion for the performing arts and exchanging their responses to all the different shows they have seen - only going to prove that we are all different, all have different tastes and preferences and all love to praise and criticise! The general atmosphere is wonderful.

Pleasance Courtyard 2  23 August 2012
Whilst I enjoyed Maxwell's performance and appreciated his obvious considerable talent, something about this didn't quite work for me. I felt it improved as it progressed. Was it the Venue (rather uncomfortable seats)? my expectations? or the rather unresponsive audience? I think it would be great for an adolescent audience embarking on  a similar journey.
Some great sections and detail - particularly enjoyed use of shadow to depict father and passage about London flat and its occupants.
My village hall? possibly. 7/10

Underbelly  23 August  2012
Thought Luke was marvellous. Consummate performer sharing wonderfully observed and very funny takes on 'Britishness'. The alliteration in the Essex poem, 'Barry Vs the Blob' was unbelievable - totally brilliant display of dexterity with words!
In spite of the somewhat claustrophobic, overheated venue, this was a memorable and inspirational performance.
My village hall? Yes 9/10

Joe Douglas/ Gareth Nicholls  EDUCATING RONNIE
Assembly 3 George Square  24 August 2012
One man show recounting the true story of the friendship which developed between Joe Douglas and Ronnie, a Ugandan who he met and who became a close friend whilst he was on his gap year, when they were both teenagers.
Narrated by Joe Douglas, this excellent production is a deeply moving and thought provoking exploration of the development of the relationship between a perceived-to-be wealthy western student and a poverty stricken Ugandan who asks for financial help to be educated.  Joe agrees to provide Ronnie with relatively small funds willingly at the outset, believing that it is a small sacrifice for him and the only opportunity Ronnie will have to get an education and break out of the poverty that he appears destined to suffer.
The demands steadily increase and Joe begins to struggle with the friendship, the benefit of charity and the burden of Ronnie's demands even questioning Ronnie's sincerity and wondering if he is being manipulated.
The accompanying soundtrack is great and use of a screen on which their email communication is displayed is very effective in retaining the tension as the story unfolds.
This is a powerful and compelling performance.
My village hall? Maybe. 8.5/10

Chris Goode  MONKEY BARS
Traverse   24 August 2012
Whilst I acknowledge there was some good acting and were some funny lines, I struggled to understand where this piece about children's thoughts and words, relayed through adult behaviour and delivery, was going and what the point was.
NN Village Hall? No! 4/10

Mai oh Mai Productions  HARRI-PARRIS, THE LEAVING DO
Zoo  24 August 2012
Wonderful feel-good entertainment!
Four engaging characters, convincingly and compellingly portrayed - great acting from all. This was very funny in every way. I loved the audience role and its involvement and the music was thoroughly enjoyable and well performed.
My village hall? Yes! 8.5/10

Bedlam Theatre  24 August 2012
This was outstanding in every way! Superb jazz and gifted multi-talented musicians (loved the saxophonists!). Great acting of an engaging story in spite of the dark subject matter. It was very funny!
All the actors seemed particularly gifted and charismatic and stood out as notable characters and personalities with tremendous stage presence.
Best in Festival, so far!! - Very special. Would love to see it and them again.
My village hall? Yes, were it possible. 9.5/10

Traverse at Scottish Book Trust  25 August 2012
Presented by a Dr of Scrapology, this is a charming and whimsical story of the analysis of an old scrapbook in order to learn about the lives of the characters within. It was delightful in its detail and in the unfolding contents of the book and very well performed.
The Children in the audience were totally engaged by this gifted young actress whose timing was spot on and enthusiasm inspirational.
My village hall? Maybe.7/10

Traverse at Scottish Book Trust  25 August 2012
Another one man tour de force - very successful and assured storytelling.
Poignant and touching tale of a primary school friendship which ended in a fight and an attempt to make up and meet up years later - the success of which was left in the balance for the audience to ponder.
Brilliantly acted and gripping performance which held the audience enthralled.
My village hall?? Probably 8/10

Joe Bone  BANE 2
Pleasance Dome  25 August 2012
Oh dear! This just got off to a bad start for me. Arrived a bit late, bad seat high up at the back, VERY hot, struggled to hear properly and was worried about getting out in time for next show...!! etc etc.
THEN - Take off of film noir, not really my thing.
Having said all that, BANE is an incredible one man show and I recognise that whilst it wasn't for me, it is fast, brilliant acting and clearly very funny if you 'get it'! Would actually like to try it again in better circumstances.
My village hall? Unlikely 5/10

Northern Stage and Soho Theatre  OH THE HUMANITY
Northern Stage at St Stephens  25 August 2012
Very effective series of short sketches; funny, poignant and at times thought provoking. The stage set was particularly successful.
The acting was excellent and the whole production very entertaining.
My village hall?? Maybe 7/10

Barbershopera  THE 3 MUSKETEERS
Pleasance Courtyard  25 August 2012
Didn't really enjoy this as much as I hoped I would. The music and singing were very good but I didn't find the story particularly engaging and struggle slightly with the slapstick romp.
My village hall? Unlikely 5/10

Gilded Balloon  26 August 2012
Probably something we should all see, especially those of us who have signed up to the Apple ecstasy!
Very powerful, thought provoking production adding to the general misgivings and guilt one has about consumerism, the throw away society and general greed of western capitalism.
Steve Jobs was a remarkable and undeniable genius with an enviable gift for and love of fine design, who left an extraordinary legacy which thankfully this show also celebrates.
Good production, compellingly delivered.
My village hall? does this show do rural touring?  7.5/10

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